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Claus Topp

M.Sc. in Indoor Environmental Engineering at AAU in 1995 and obtained his PhD in 1999.
Consulting engineer at Birch & Krogboe A/S


I work as a consulting specialist within indoor and occupational health as well as energy performance in buildings.


After obtaining my M.Sc. degree, I joined a PhD programme at AAU, and after I obtained my PhD degree, I worked as a researcher and teacher for 5 years at AAU before I moved to the private industry.


As part of my education under the M.Sc. programme, I spent a semester studying in Illinois, USA, together with a fellow student. The aim of studying abroad was to combine our studies with gaining practical experience, which was fulfilled to our full satisfaction. I worked on developing a new method to measure air velocities – which at the time was not possible at AAU. Most importantly, however, I got the opportunity of experiencing a foreign culture and training my English, which has since been a great benefit.


The fact that the AAU candidates are used to problem-oriented methods as well as working with groups is a great advantage in the business community. Due to the combination of a high theoretical level and research-based teaching, the AAU candidates of Indoor Environmental Engineering are in great demand. There are many job opportunities for these candidates. For example, today my fellow students work as consulting engineers with BST, as teachers, within sales, and one of them has become a self-employed engineer.

Claus Topp

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